09 October 2005

I'm back

I will not ignore my blog. I will not ignore my blog. I will not ignore my blog.

So I have been bad and ignored my blog (well technically all my blogs). Either there was something going on in my life and didn't know/want to talk about it or there was nothing. My student loans went into repayment and are now consolidated, cutting the payments in half. My grandfather died July 2nd, placing a shadow over my parents' anniversary and Fourth of July, and adding to the shadow of Christmas. Starting in January, I have had at least one job interview in Chicago a month (except August). Most of them, I ended up runner up. One was less than a week after my grandfather died. I was working on scheduling it during the break between the two viewings.

Even though I didn't have an interview in August, I spent most of the month knowing I would have an interview in late September with a goverment agency that is located in Virginia. The week before the interview, I got a response from a resume I sent out and scheduled another interview for the same day. The first interview was four hours long and very well planned out in a very nice hotel in Chicago. The second interview felt thrown together. They weren't even sure if I would get to talk to any accountants working there until we got to the accounting department. Yes, they only had about a week to plan it, but most of my interviews went smoother with the same amount of advance notice. Plus, it didn't sound like there was a lot of upward mobility in the department. And they were the ones who offered me a job. With better benefits and salary than I was looking and hoping for in Chicago. So I am going to be an accountant for various associations. My parents think it is fitting, seeing how involved I was with organizations in school.

So I move on the 22nd and start on the 24th. I will put the rest of the deposit down on the one bedroom apartment tomorrow. I have furniture that will be available to pick up the day before the move (including a sofa sleeper for guests). But there are so many things to think about now I have to buy or find from family members all the other little things. And hope that everything can be moved by my dad, uncle, and me. Plus scout out all the necessary places to go there. And get the electricity, phone, internet, and maybe cable turned on. And figure out all the places and people that need the new address. The closer I get, the more excited I get.

Another friend is planning to get married. That makes three in the past year. One friend broke up with her fiancee and is on a missions trip in France for six months. Another friend was having to choose between about five guys who liked her but none of which had exactly what she wanted. I'll have to call her and see if that has changed. That's all I have for now.

So to end (think conga line) I'm moving to ChicaGO, I'm moving to ChicaGO, I'm moving to ChicaGO . . . . . .


At 10/09/2005 11:34 PM, Blogger Heather Leigh said...

YAY!!! CHICAGO!!!! I'm so stoked about moving to Chicago that I've worn my Chicago shirt two days in a row (don't tell anyone, that's kinda gross).

Good for you!


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