31 October 2005

Half a real post

I'm not in the mood to look up the lyrics that I was referring to a couple of posts ago. Just know for now that they have to do with life and relationships. Maybe tomorrow.

But I realized that there was a certain type of guy that I was attracted to when I was in high school. They typically have three characteristics in common: 1. They are taller than me, even if just by centimeters. 2. They have dark hair (with two exceptions). 3. They are/were involved with choir and/or theater before/during/after the crush developed.

I've had crushes on six guys. Most if not all probably knew. I always picked not knowing over knowing how they felt. There was always someone wanting my permission to ask them how they felt. My answer was always no.

Usually while I had the crush, I also didn't want to pursue a relationship with them or anyone else. I wanted to finish high school, get myself straightened out, finish college, get a job, get settled. So what would be the technical term for that? Wanting to be with someone, yet that being the last thing on my mind? I don't want to be alone forever, just right now. I know that it will happen when it will happen. The question is will I be willing to let it happen when it's time?

Well, I should go to bed. 6:30 is gooing to come sooner than I want it to.

29 October 2005


I'm back. I finally got my internet set up in my apartment. About a week after it was supposed to be up and running. I have a week of "work" under my belt. It's just been learning about the company and the department. I have done about 45 minutes of actual work this week. Everyone in the department is younger and very personable.

The apartment is more than enough space for just me. I still can't believe that I used to live with someone else in a space as big as my living room. It's a bit weird that I'm on my own, as a real adult. I'm even being responsible about the time I go to bed. I try not to look or feel freaked out when walking around Chicago by myself. I've also wondered what my reaction would be if I bumped into someone, but I found out a couple of days ago that I don't have to worry about it since they are no longer in the state. I need an iPod. It seems like I'm the only one my age not waiting for the bus or on the bus without one. I still have to get used to the price difference. The only real grocery store within walking distance (as opposed to convience stores) wants five bucks for a 12 pack of pop. I might have to stock up on nonperishables at Thanksgiving time.

It's good and bad living on my own. It's nice because I can do what I want. Buy, make, eat, watch. No one to fight with over anything. No dirty dishes that have something weird on them. I can go to bed or stay up without having to worry about being kept awake (except for people outside) or keeping someone awake. It's bad because it would be nice to have someone else to talk to, a reason to eat at the table as opposed to in front of the TV, someone else to cook.

I need to ween my mom. She got mad because I didn't call them yesterday and they didn't call me. We actually went a day without talking. I understand that she misses me and that it's a different situation than college. But I was gone a lot at college and there were times that we went a couple of weeks without talking.

I have to remember to change my clocks. Luckily my cell phone will automatically so I can use that as a guide.

16 October 2005

First of two posts

Since I haven't posted in a while, I'm going to make two posts. This one will be fairly random things and the second one will be from the preview in the last post.

I have an apartment in the Lakeview neighborhood of Chicago. It is a one bedroom, about 800 sq.ft., I think. My first and last month's rent has been put down on it, my electricity has been scheduled, my cable and internet has been scheduled, my phone has not been scheduled yet. Most of my furniture has been ordered (sofa sleeper, recliner, dresser with mirror, nightstand, mattress, frame, third bookshelf). I already have two bookshelves and kitchen table and chairs. I have sheets for the bed, a lamp for the bedroom, an alarm clock for the bedroom, a radio for the bedroom, a vacuum, bath towels, hand towels, toothbrush holder, shower curtain, bathmat, bath rug, computer desk, phones, tv, computer, dvd player, shredder, kitchen towels, pots and pans, silverware, glassware, dishes, and a clock. I still need end tables, coffee table, lamps for the living room, tv stand, shower caddy, trash can for bathroom, trash can for kitchen, toaster oven, and maybe a George Foreman grill and Presto Pizzazz pizza oven (I love my parents' Pizzazz and my brother swears by the Foreman grill.)

The location is good. I'm one block away from a bus stop on an express line that will take me one block away from work. There are grocery stores, restaurants, banks, shops, a mall, and Wrigley Field within walking distance. Wrigley Field is farther than everything else in the list, but still technically what walking distance.

I started my packing, mostly because my mom forced me. She was sick of me taking over the living room with newest purchases. I'm putting the shredder to good use since I had a year and a half's worth of financial related papers in my room. Now to go through everything in my room and boxes in the basement to see what goes, and if staying, to trash or keep in basement (such as high school yearbooks and such).

Next post should be after the farewell open house for my cousin who will be going to ISP academy in a couple of weeks. It will be the rest of the preview and, coincidentally, like someone else's post.

11 October 2005

Too tired for a real post

I really need to go to bed so I can get up for work tomorrow, but I meant what I said about not ignoring my blog.

So highlights:

- I officially have an apartment in the Lakeview area, which, in my honest opinion, kicks ass. A little pricey, but still kicks ass. I will go into further details about that soon.
- I really should start packing.
- I can't remember the last time I was this happy.

A preview of the real post: the apartment, Anna Nalick, Sinead O'Connor, Diana Anaid (music is a big part of my life) and is it wrong for someone to know the type that they are attracted to at 15?

09 October 2005

I'm back

I will not ignore my blog. I will not ignore my blog. I will not ignore my blog.

So I have been bad and ignored my blog (well technically all my blogs). Either there was something going on in my life and didn't know/want to talk about it or there was nothing. My student loans went into repayment and are now consolidated, cutting the payments in half. My grandfather died July 2nd, placing a shadow over my parents' anniversary and Fourth of July, and adding to the shadow of Christmas. Starting in January, I have had at least one job interview in Chicago a month (except August). Most of them, I ended up runner up. One was less than a week after my grandfather died. I was working on scheduling it during the break between the two viewings.

Even though I didn't have an interview in August, I spent most of the month knowing I would have an interview in late September with a goverment agency that is located in Virginia. The week before the interview, I got a response from a resume I sent out and scheduled another interview for the same day. The first interview was four hours long and very well planned out in a very nice hotel in Chicago. The second interview felt thrown together. They weren't even sure if I would get to talk to any accountants working there until we got to the accounting department. Yes, they only had about a week to plan it, but most of my interviews went smoother with the same amount of advance notice. Plus, it didn't sound like there was a lot of upward mobility in the department. And they were the ones who offered me a job. With better benefits and salary than I was looking and hoping for in Chicago. So I am going to be an accountant for various associations. My parents think it is fitting, seeing how involved I was with organizations in school.

So I move on the 22nd and start on the 24th. I will put the rest of the deposit down on the one bedroom apartment tomorrow. I have furniture that will be available to pick up the day before the move (including a sofa sleeper for guests). But there are so many things to think about now I have to buy or find from family members all the other little things. And hope that everything can be moved by my dad, uncle, and me. Plus scout out all the necessary places to go there. And get the electricity, phone, internet, and maybe cable turned on. And figure out all the places and people that need the new address. The closer I get, the more excited I get.

Another friend is planning to get married. That makes three in the past year. One friend broke up with her fiancee and is on a missions trip in France for six months. Another friend was having to choose between about five guys who liked her but none of which had exactly what she wanted. I'll have to call her and see if that has changed. That's all I have for now.

So to end (think conga line) I'm moving to ChicaGO, I'm moving to ChicaGO, I'm moving to ChicaGO . . . . . .

About me

I was born and raised in Goshen, IN, along with one younger brother. I am a 2004 graduate of Indiana State University. I got my BS from the SOB there. I have a major in Accounting and a minor in Insurance (which I will probably never use).

Current plan: Starting a new stage of life as an accountant in Chicago.
Current relationship status: Single and not minding it (ANY commenters of the "sorry, it will happen when it happens" variety WILL be killed where they stand)
Current location: Chicago
Current employment: Accountant